Encounter summaries are automatically created using information entered by the patient, information generated during the encounter, and notes written by the physician during the encounter. These summaries are saved to the patient’s profile and are faxed to the patient’s primary care provider, allowing the patient’s medical history to stay up to date.
The QDoc software also takes an audio recording of each encounter. In order to keep our forms clear and concise, a dictation of this recording is not included on the Encounter Summary. However, each recording is stored in the QDoc database, linked to the corresponding patient and encounter. According to the CMPA, audio recordings are the best way for physicians to protect themselves from a medical legal perspective and in the case of auditing. At the bottom of each Encounter Summary, there is a disclaimer: ‘As part of the medical visit, QDoc records the audio of the encounter. If you need further information for this encounter, please contact us at info@qdoc.ca.’