Yes! QDoc has met with the CPSM on several occasions to discuss how we can provide a virtual medical care service to Manitobans that meets their virtual care standard. They have approved of our platform and our expectations and have confirmed that we meet their standard.
Upon request, QDoc can provide you with a template of our Virtual Care Plan, which has been submitted to and approved by the CPSM.
Most questions are in reference to section 5.2.1.ii: “Registrants providing virtual medical care must have the ability themselves to provide a timely physical assessment of the patient.”
Each of our physicians is associated with a clinic from which they can offer in-person care. In order to facilitate easier access, we use the patient’s postal code to preferentially connect them with a physician that works in their RHA. We also have three partner clinics across the province where patients can be seen if needed.
When a patient needs to be seen in person, our expectation is that the QDoctor will offer to see them first. If the patient prefers to go elsewhere, due to geographic proximity or appointment availability, then the QDoctor will send a referral. Having offered to see the patient and having declared the ability to do so ensures that QDoc meets this standard.
If a physician is not associated with a physical clinic in which they can see QDoc patients, they can offer to see the patient at The Minor Illness and Injury Clinic or the Pan Am Clinic in Winnipeg within 2 weeks from the time of the virtual encounter. The majority of patients will prefer to receive a referral to a different clinic where they can be seen sooner. Please see ‘How do I Arrange to Use Space at The Minor Illness and Injury Clinic or the Pan Am Clinic’ for more information.