Can I still use QDoc if I’m in Manitoba but don’t have a Manitoba Health card?
Can I still use QDoc if I’m in Manitoba but don’t have a Manitoba Health card? Yes – all Canadian citizens with a valid provincial health card (excluding Quebec residents) are able to use QDoc for free. Quebec residents and Canadian residents who do not have a provincial health card are able to use the […]
Can I still use QDoc if I’m not physically located in Manitoba?
Can I still use QDoc if I’m not physically located in Manitoba? At this time QDoc is only available to those located in Manitoba, North Western Ontario or Nunavut at the time of their visit. The College of Physicians and the Manitoba government do not allow Manitoba doctors to see patients that are physically located […]
How does QDoc work?
How does QDoc work? The team at QDoc has developed a software that allows patients to be connected to doctors for virtual video appointments. This service is free for Canadian residents with a Manitoba Health Card. To be connected to a doctor, you need to create a secure account using your email address and a […]
Sprint 24
Patient’s New Features and Bug Fixes Here are some of the features and bug fixes added in the last sprint: At the start of a video encounter, if a patient is experiencing video and audio issues, the physician is alerted with a banner. Note: This banner also shows up if the patient is reconnecting during the […]
5 Forms of Self-Care: Nurturing Your Mind, Body, and Soul
In our fast-paced lives, we often forget to take a moment for ourselves. Self-care is more than just pampering; it involves various dimensions, including emotional, physical, social, spiritual, and practical aspects. Each dimension plays a vital role in promoting overall well-being and achieving a balanced life. Keep reading to explore new ways to incorporate self-care […]
Virtual Activities for Families and Children – Rainy or Sick Days
Engaging in Virtual Activities for Families and Children on Rainy or Sick Days Whether it’s a rainy day or a sick day, it can often be a challenge to find ways to keep the whole family entertained indoors. However, with the power of the internet, there’s no need to give in to boredom or restlessness. […]
Injury Prevention: Protecting Your Body for a Healthier Future
Regular exercise is essential for both our physical and mental well-being. However, the possibility of sustaining an injury can cast a shadow over our fitness endeavours by disrupting our lives, affecting our ability to move freely, and even dealing with long-term consequences. But fear not, for there are effective measures we can take to prevent […]
Unmasking PTSD: Understanding the Invisible Battle Within
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), often called post-traumatic stress injury (PTSI), is a complex condition that warrants deeper understanding. Some prefer the term PTSI because it sheds the negative connotations associated with the word “disorder,” which can, unfortunately, discourage individuals from seeking help. For the purposes of familiarity, we will use the term PTSD throughout this […]
Sprint 23
Patient portal enhancements Here are some of the features added in the last 2 sprints: Redesigned the patient homepage to provide a more modernized, minimal appearance that is easier for patients to visualize and interact with, as one of the first points of entry into our website. Updated patient cards to include additional information such as […]
Unlocking the Benefits: The Power of Stress Management in Enhancing Your Life
Have you ever been too stressed? Whether it’s due to a demanding job, a hectic schedule, conflicts in relationships, or simply having a bad day, we’ve all felt the impacts of stress taking over our bodies. Sleepless nights full of tossing and turning, muscle aches, bad moods, and excessive caffeine consumption — they happen to […]