Sprint 25

Patient’s New Features and Bug Fixes

Here are some of the features and bug fixes added in the last sprint:

Labs Expire After Four Weeks

  • After a physician has created a lab requisition, a patient has four weeks to access and print it. The expiry date is displayed until the requisition expires, at which point the document will no longer be visible. 

Patient Consult Clinic Management

  • To view your consults, navigate to your patient portal and click on the new “Consults” option on your patient card.
  • The new Consult Portal will be displayed for you with information about any consults that a physician has requested for you. 
  • When the requested physician accepts the consult, an SMS message will be sent out to you notifying you that is has been accepted and that you need to go book your appointment time. 
  • When you navigate back to the Consult Portal you will now see that the consult status has been changed to “Consult Accepted” and that you are able to “BOOK NOW” which allows you to select an appointment time. 
  • Clicking “BOOK NOW” will open a popup that lets you select a date, and shows you the available time slots within that date for you to book your appointment. 
  • Note: The “SUBMIT” button will be enabled when the time slot is chosen. 

Confirming your Availability for the Appointment

  • The “CONFIRM” button will be shown 7 days prior to the appointment, and the patient needs to confirm at least 2 days before the appointment – otherwise, the appointment will be cancelled.
  • NOTE: An SMS Reminder will be sent to the patient 7 days before the meeting, Patient needs to go to the patient consult portal and click the “CONFIRM” button
Cancelling an Appointment you have booked
  • The “CANCEL” button will always be there for the Patient to cancel an appointment at any time:
  • If cancelling at least 2 days before the appointment time, they will still be able to book that appointment time slot again. 
  • If cancelling less than 2 days before the appointment time, you will not be able to book another time slot for that consult. 

Joining your Appointment

  • After confirming the appointment, the “JOIN” button will show up but will be disabled. It will be enabled 10 minutes before the appointment start time. 
  • NOTE: An SMS Reminder will be sent to the patient 1 day before the appointment time (if they have confirmed the appointment)

Fixed bug where past encounter dates were showing incorrectly offset by 1 day.

Optimized the view results page to be faster.

The waiting room (patient side) is now functional when there are less than two slides to display. 

QDoc provides high-quality, provincially funded virtual medical care with cutting-edge technology that digitally connects you to an online doctor in Manitoba, ready to see you for any non-emergent medical issue. Register today at QDoc.ca