Sprint 24

Patient’s New Features and Bug Fixes

Here are some of the features and bug fixes added in the last sprint: 

  • At the start of a video encounter, if a patient is experiencing video and audio issues,  the physician is alerted with a banner. Note: This banner also shows up if the patient is reconnecting during the encounter.
  • After a minute passes, a pop-up suggests the physician calls the patient. While completing their video and audio checks, the patient is given the option to contact the physician. IF clicked, the physician gets a SMS message and a popup on their screen. 

Change how a patient is put on priority waitlist after missed call out

  • Remove the patient out of the waitlist after 5 missed call outs.
  • Send them an SMS message about that and put them to the priority queue when they are back and create a new meeting. 

Allow any patient to register with no PHIN

  • Payment is required for patients not covered by public health care, except for patients less than 1 year old or patients seen through the Downtown Community Safety Partnership.
Update weight and unit field
  • When switching units, the weight should be updated automatically as well (only UI, the information is stored in db as kilograms). 

Autofill reason for visit

  • If a patient fills out their reason for a visit, enters the queue but cancels their spot, if they return within 24 hours their reason for visit will autofill from the previous entry. 

DCSP role for DSCP patient accounts

  • The DCSP role can now be manually added to a patient user.
  • These users are exempt from payment even if the patient has no PHIN. 

Patients must pay for sick notes if the physician makes it required

  • When the patient enters the document page, sick notes that require payment have a button that says “Pay Now”. 
  • Once payment has been collected the document is permanently visible by the patient. 
Fixed the ability to auto put available after texting off (int) where int is a number of hours

Fixed a text bug that occurs when a participants camera is off during an encounter
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